Workshops created with you in mind!
As our partners in wellness, WorkWell NYC wants to ensure Ambassadors have the dedicated support and resources needed to offer worksite wellness programs to your staff. We have developed Ambassador Academy, featuring workshops to help you develop and expand your professional skills. Topics have included designing promotional materials, evaluating programs, and engaging offsite staff! We look forward to bringing you more workshops.
Keep reading below to learn more about Ambassador Academy, register for upcoming workshops, and access the recordings of past sessions.
How does it work?
There will be two Ambassador Academy terms held throughout the year. Each term will focus on one topic and the same workshop will be held up to three times. (We understand that work conflicts may arise and want to ensure there are several opportunities for you to participate!)
Workshops will be one hour and will be limited to 25 Ambassadors to allow for an interactive and participatory session.
All participants will receive a certificate of completion following each workshop.
Previous Events
2024 Ambassador Summit
We hosted our annual Ambassador Summit on Thursday, January 25, 2024. During the event we discussed fostering a culture of health as a comprehensive approach to promoting employee health and wellbeing, upcoming WorkWell NYC programs and more!