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Workshops created with you in mind!

How does it work?
Upcoming Workshops

As our partners in wellness, WorkWell NYC wants to ensure Ambassadors have the dedicated support and resources needed to offer worksite wellness programs to your staff. Join us this spring as we launch the Ambassador Academy, featuring workshops to help you develop and expand your professional skills. Topics will include designing promotional materials, evaluating programs, engaging offsite staff, and more! 


Keep reading below to learn more about the Ambassador Academy, register for upcoming workshops, and access the recordings of past sessions. 

How does it work?

There will be two Ambassador Academy terms held in 2021 – spring and summer. Each term will focus on one topic and the same workshop will be held up to three times. (We understand that work conflicts may arise and want to ensure there are several opportunities for you to participate!)


Workshops will be one hour and will be limited to 25 Ambassadors to allow for an interactive and participatory session. 


All participants will receive a certificate of completion following each workshop.

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Upcoming Workshops

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Leading Through Conflict in the Workplace

Join us for our upcoming workshop to build confidence in leading through conflicts, improve awareness and discover “blind spots”, find opportunities for growth, and learn conflict management approaches and strategies. This workshop will be facilitated by Regina Lee Censullo of R&M Design and Consulting.

Session 1

Thursday, August 18 |  11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Session 2

Wednesday, August 24 |  1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Previous Workshops

Previous Workshops

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Program Planning for Success

Learn how to create an action plan to set your wellness programs up for success.



Presentation slides | Program Planning Worksheet | Action Plan Template

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Marketing Magic:

Strategies for Effective Communications

Learn how to effectively market your programs to improve visibility and increase participation



Workshop recording | Presentation slides | Communications Planning Worksheet

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Design A Flyer With Us (Live Demo)

Learn how to use Canva, a free online design tool, to create eye-catching flyers for your programs within minutes!



Workshop recording | Flyer example | Email banner example

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Show Me the Numbers: Using Data to Drive Program Success

Learn how to collect data to measure the impact of your wellness programs.



Workshop recording | Presentation Slides | Sample Survey

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